Sauna for Life from Thermasol
Thermasol, an industry pioneer in steam bath equipment and water delivery (see their Serenity, Light, Sound, Rainhead), takes the logical next step with an exciting indoor/outdoor sauna line.

This is a horizontal move for the company from wet heat to dry, and it’s informed by centuries of sauna practice in Northern Europe. In fact, Thermasol points out that in Finland, saunas exceed cars: “there are more than 3,200,000 saunas, and the population is only 5,500,000.”

Kiva Outdoor Barrel-Style Sauna
The statistic would seem to tell us something about relative priorities. As more and more science accrues about the benefits of exposing our bodies to temperature extremes, in Finland, they’re simply smiling, taking a dip in the icy water, and jumping back into the cozy confines of these Clear Western Red Cedar be-decked and be-ceilinged spaces.

The benefits of saunas include, but are not limited to, increased blood circulation, skin rejuvenation, improved cardiovascular function, improved sleep, stress mitigation, and relaxation. All of this sounds good to Round Rock, Texas-based Thermasol, who is debuting an extensive line-up of indoor and outdoor saunas modeled after the ancestral wisdom of both Finnish and Swedish traditions.

Trost Indoor Sauna
In an homage to the respective sauna culture of both countries, Thermasol has chosen the material and the names after Finnish and Swedish practice: Clear Western Red Cedar for the Finnish-inspired models and Nordic Spruce for the Swedish ones.

The names are in Finnish and Swedish too. Examples include the six-person barrel style Lepo (meaning “rest” or “repose”); the four-person indoor sauna Halu (translated as “desire” or “craving”); and the four-person indoor corner-cut model called Himmel (“heaven,” of course).

Himmel Sauna
Whether you find these saunas heavenly or just downright fun doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that Thermasol has cut no corners with the design. These saunas are beautiful to behold and a sensual feast to occupy. Perks include integrated floor heater, authentic Finnish sauna stones, Wi-Fi compatible digital controller, full spectrum LED mood lighting, pre-hung tempered glass door with stainless-steel hinges and fasteners, and an accessory kit with bucket, ladle, thermometer, and hygrometer (measures humidity, or in this case, the lack thereof).

As if that weren’t enough, custom-cut saunas are available too, in barrel, canopy barrel, and freestanding styles. Take a look around the Thermasol website to find out more. And visit 3rings to learn about another outdoor bathing classic, The iconic Dutch Tub.
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