Arik Levy Gives Some Structure to the Proceedings at 100% Design
If you're in the market for a bit of Structure to your surroundings, I suggest you mark your calendar for September 23 -26, when designer Arik Levy shows his new Structure Collection at 100% Design London. Levy-born in Tel Aviv but residing in Paris now for 20+ years-gained a following sometime back as a "thinking designer."
Given the evidence of past work like Planika's Fire Line and Living Divani's Hoop Sofa, the reputation must be owed to the synthesis of functionality and aesthetic innovation, though it could just as well be attributed to his knack for philosophizing. Some of his pithier quotes include "Design is an uncontrolled muscle"; "the world is about people, not tables and chairs"; and, my favorite, when asked if he had any interesting projects on the horizon, "I only do interesting projects."
Structure Collection. Designed by Arik Levy for Inbani.
Inbani? It's pragmatic in a way that most bath collections are not; it expertly toes the divide between a classical and contemporary look; and it's aesthetically unified without becoming blas©. The collection includes vanities, basins, taps, cabinetry, and mirrors, and each and every one of these elements complements the other. The individual items function as a whole to create the kind of, well, structure that makes a space work. Inbani articulates two prime objectives for the collection: 1. blur the line between interior and exterior; and 2. give the furnishings an "elevated" presence. The key feature that helps Structure accomplish both is the integration between structure and storage: "the storage elements are enclosed in structures that collectively form hosting spaces for towels and other items, creating a generous appearance of the entire piece and giving a high profile to the cabinet."
The short way of saying is that nothing is wasted-no faux-fronts or bulky understructures, just light, clean design that holds so much more than one would ever imagine. Materials for Structure include chrome metal in white or glossy lacquer; water-resistant MDF; progressive metal locking drawers; and high-gloss sinks in synthetic resin.
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