Light Reading by Lucy Norman

The battle between traditional books and their media generated evil twin is raging, with the release of the Kindle and the iPad it seems the way we read is being thrust into the 21st century. While I truly believe the printed book has a value and tradition that will not be erased, I do see the benefits of digital libraries. Traveling with a digital book is easier, and a small apartment can benefit from fewer paperbacks. There is also the environmental issue of the millions of books that are thrown away each year.

Light Reading. Designed by Lucy Norman.

Many companies in the publishing industry are working to become 100% FSC certified and Ancient Forest Friendly, but we are not in the “green” just yet. While many used books are taken to charities, most are unsold and the charities are forced to send the books to the landfill, in volumes of up to 10,000 pounds per week. British designer Lucy Norman is taking this problem and turning it into her inspiration.

Norman’s creation is an inventive lamp called Light Reading. Each page is folded in half, producing a circular arrangement that hangs around a dome. The effect is a warm quality of light captured by a soft geometric sculpture that has only a hint of its origins at first glance. The paper and text have a unique texture that is artistically worked to be familiar without feeling like your elementary school art project.

Light Reading by Lucy Norman

Light Reading by Lucy Norman

Lula Dot offers furniture and lighting products with a tangible sense of care that inspire an emotional reaction. Lucy Norman’s aim is to upcycle London’s waste into products which are too soulful to be sent back to the landfill. She taps into the same nostalgia that will keep printed books around for years to come.

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