Isola and Isola Mirror by Bonaldo
Isola and Isola Mirror by Bonaldo are the perfect pair to haunt your space this Halloween. Both hanging clothes and reflections indicate the presence of a person while still maintaining a sense of doubling that’s wonderfully uncanny.
Isola Clothes Hanger

Isola, with a shape that almost resembles a little house, presents a perfect place to hang clothes.

Out in the open, Bonaldo’s solid wood form replaces built-in closets—and who wants those, given the penchant for monsters to hide inside?
Isola Mirror

Another accessory to enjoy during spooky season, Isola Mirror is a doubled double: not only a mirror that reflects persons but also a mirror in two parts! Simple yet sophisticated, this mirror attracts the individual who takes great care in dressing, always making a statement about coherence and confidence in both appearance and personality (the individual’s double is, no doubt, another dandy).

A flexible accoutrement that stands flush against a wall, Isola Mirror is a large rectangle plus a smaller wing ensconced in American walnut. According to Bonaldo, “The value of the asymmetric frame lies in its lack of balance: the mobile part is in fact what makes the mirror more functional, making this complement ideal for the sleeping area, but also for other rooms of the house such as entrances, corridors or walk-in closets.” I love that the company suggests entrances and corridors. Add hallways and stairways to the list as well—all ideal spaces for a good haunting.

Bonaldo’s maxim fits perfectly with its style: “B/Style means that the furnishings are not just a simple collection of individual parts, but different instruments in the same orchestra.” Place Isola and Isola Mirror together and you just might hear the faint echoes of a ghostly song.
For another piece inspired by mirrors, see Bonaldo’s Collage.
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