Essence Collection by True Design at Design Days 2024

Essence Collection by True Design at Design Days 2024

The straight lines of the Essence Collection by True Design are reminiscent of the mid-century design styles that emphasized a minimalist aesthetic and focus on organic material. This essential furniture was a radical departure from the overstuffed, cluttered objects that preceded it.

Essence Collection

The Essence Collection harkens back to that time, except that it follows the dictum of form follows function in a new way: it can fit residential spaces perfectly but also serves the needs of newer workspaces. Emphasizing comfort, creativity, and harmony with nature, the Essence Collection creates a peaceful space through its focus on materiality.

Essence Table

To create the collection of tables, benches, and storage furniture, Norm Architects let the wood reveal its essence. “The interlocking design of the table, bench, and stool represents the distinctive element of the entire collection: a functional product, but above all unique, thanks to the precise perpendicular intersecting lines,” True explains. The furniture’s joints beckon one to consider the beauty and malleability of wood.

Essence Collection

True is a family company founded in Italy in 1983, principally as a purveyor of office furniture. Its perceptive owners foresaw a time when office and residential would function together. The company expanded, hiring Aldo Parisotto, an internationally renowned architect, in a role halfway between designer and architect. This unconventional approach enabled True “to help make spaces more pleasant and comfortable, with products that are durable both for their taste and for the quality of their materials and workmanship.” 

Go to Fulton Market Design Days to see True’s Essence Collection. True will be at the Gabriel showroom at 333 N. Green Street in Chicago.

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