Design Days 2024: Pillar Booth Pop-Up

Design Days 2024: Pillar Booth Pop-Up

Just a hop and a skip from NeoCon exhibit goers found much ado at Fulton Market Design Days, including the incredibly fun Pillar Booth Pop Up.

Sign on street outside Pillar Booth Pop Up

Pillar Booth in black
What’s new and exciting here in this relatively young market that yet feels like it’s over saturated? At the risk of turning this post into a laundry list: rapid lead times (2-4 weeks in most cases), removable and cleanable acoustic panels, magnetic door seal, motion-activated LEDs, height-adjustable work surface, and active ventilation.
Three side by side phone booths in office with different interior colors
Interior detail
Pillar also offers options for lockable casters, integrated AV kit, and vibrant finishes, including white or black exterior and six different interior colors, as well as customized graphics and logos and even external wood for an especially elegant look.
Pillar booth with dark wood exterior  and plant next to it with partial view of chairs

Dual booths are available as well.

Pillar booth double
dual booth interior

Get over to Pillar at 333 N. Green St. in Chicago or see their website to specify yours.

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