OmniDecor Decorated Glass

OmniDecor Decorated Glass

OmniDecor recently previewed their products at EquipHotel Paris with a curated selection demonstrating the various characteristics of the company’s different types of glass: “micro-installations where the geometric shapes, abstract silhouettes, colours and transparencies intermingle to explore the creative potential.”

DecorFlou detail at EquipHotel Paris
OmniDecor glass sculpture with round piece with pink highlights intersecting with square piece with faceted surface

DecorFlou and DecorOpal Dramatized at EquipHotel Paris

The unique display featured OminiDecor’s DecorFlou, with satin finish glazing that offers exceptional durability, as well as the DecorOpal line, colored glass in satin and glossy finish that uses water-based pigments.

OmniDecor DecorFlou glass in waiting room solid yellow color
decorative glass on glass partition in hotel bathroom
OmniDecor office partition with striped surface

OmniDecor glass may be used in a variety of installations, for both residential and contract venues. The substrate range includes low iron glass, bronze glass, grey glass for float glass, as well as low iron mirror, bronze mirror, and grey mirror. Glass may be cut, polished, drilled, and tempered. Variations in both style and opacity level make OmniDecor especially versatile—customized decorations and patterns are available too. Find out more at OmniDecor. And check out Artaic Sintered Glass for another innovative approach to decorative architectural glass.

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