Solar-Powered Furniture by Metsolar

Solar-Powered Furniture by Metsolar

It's taking time to get solar panels to get minimal and stylish, but Lithuanian-based Metsolar has streamlined its solar solutions to integrate well-designed panels into outdoor furniture.
Solar-Powered Furniture by Metsolar
The company's custom creations include a Solar-Powered Multifunctional Bench and a 100% Autonomous Out-sider Solar-Powered Table for Social Interaction. The bench integrates strong, rigid, all-black glass solar panels that serve as the seating surface and provide power for plugged-in devices. Waterproof and durable, Metsolar's bench is built to survive "long exposure to humid and rainy weather conditions."
Solar-Powered Furniture by Metsolar
In collaboration with Denmark's furniture manufacturing company Out-sider, Metsolar devised a solar-powered table "for social interaction" that was developed as a power source for the Roskilde festival in Denmark. The solar table seamlessly integrates battery, USB charging, and Wifi into its sleek solar panel. For more information, go to

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