Design Miami 2016: Lighting by Eric Roinestad
Lighting pieces at Design Miami 2016 were diverse in all aspects-from material to construction, color to composition. Work by Eric Roinestad is one example of this year's variety.
Roinestad is a Los Angeles-based ceramicist whose pendants and sconces are his first foray into lighting. This is fitting, given that his work is presented by first-time exhibitor The Future Perfect, a gallery founded by David Alhadeff in 2003.
The Future Perfect explains the appeal of Roinestad's ceramic lights: "Imbued with an ineffable handmade character, Roinestad's new ceramics and lighting offer an elegant visual symmetry between the organic and modern, the contemporary and the traditional."
I would argue that using matte ceramic to create lighting subverts our expectations-and that this element of surprise affects our very concept of light. While we expect reflection and coruscation, Roinestad's material delivers the natural world instead, presenting light through cutouts instead of through translucent material.
This peekaboo effect gives the pieces a mysterious air, making the light source something we want to discover. Desire is perhaps the ultimate drive behind the ceramic lighting by Roinestad.
See more at www.thefutureperfect.com.
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