Weekly Wrap-up: 5 Uncommonly Awesome Armchairs

There is a notable difference between chairs with arms and those without. They are what set apart the hosts dining at the head of the table from their guests seated in between. They encourage a sitter to stay seated, creating a deeply comfortable space reminding us that there exists an art to staying put for more than moment and engaging with the object that harbors us. What follows is a selection of uncommonly awesome armchairs and a toast to the art of acting like a vegetable.

Square Chairs. Designed by Frederik Roijé.

1. Ever the fans of breathing new and colorful life into old objects, we went spastic for JSPR’s Plastic Fantastic.


Plastic Fantastic. Manufactured by JSPR.

2. Though we don’t anticipate that these Square Chairs by Frederik Roijé would be the most comfortable ones in the lobby one of that new boutique hotel, we dig them for the simple sophistication and striking presence.


Square Chairs. Designed by Frederik Roijé.

3. With the recent passing of world-revered designer Pierre Paulin, M2L’s re-edition of the F 444 is a timely and welcome and memorial to this modern master.


F 444. Designed by Pierre Paulin and re-editioned by M2L.

4. Marc Newson is the king of groovalicious, organic shapes and Cappellini one of the reigning Italian kings of modern manufacturing. Put one with the other and you get the Felt chair (no, not an armchair but we do take liberties occasionally) a single sheet of curved metal reinforcing that the beauty of design is rooted in simplicity.


Felt chair. Designed by Marc Newson for Cappellini.

5. Mobel’s Kolo armchair was another piece to catch our eye this week – a light, almost an aerodynamic seeming construction that is helping to gives this Finnish brand continuing clout in the world of Scandinavian seaters.


Kolo. Designed by Jouko Järvisalo of Mobel.

Stay tuned for more hot product ideas and fresh inspiration next week!

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