Weekly Wrap-up: 6 Inventive Ways to Salvage Space at Home

Though I can’t state that I am ready to start using the apartment oven as overflow storage for my ever-expanding collection of shoes, as a girl it is no small feat finding ways to creatively organize your closet. This week’s selection of space-saving designs is all about products that redeem inches (if not feet) in unexpected and exciting ways. From wired tables to toilet roll holders, everything you need to validate a move into that smaller, recession-friendly apartment is all here.

Electrified Side Table. Designed by Scott Behr and Matthew Warren of TMRnyc.

1. A first-time exhibitor at local design fair BKLYN DESIGNS, Scott Behr of Total Metal Resource, Inc. is an active member of the burgeoning furniture design scene in this hip borough. Co-creator of the Electrified Blue Table in partnership with studio-mate Matthew Warren, Scott’s blue table combines the added function of casual docking station/cable management system for one’s gadgets. Genius. And pretty rad-looking too!

2. Rotterdam-based Reinier de Jong is the creative brain behind the REK bookcase, a surefire way to salvage space in an abode of any size. Designed to expanded and collapse depending on the dimensions of the space and the number of books (or amount of untrashable chotchkees) you’ve accumulated over the years, this storage system is as timeless and functional as they come.


REK Expandable Bookcase. Designed by Reinier de Jong.

3. The Miss Lily Tambour Cabinet by Unico Design reminds us those charming nineteenth century roll-top desks you might still find anchoring the den of one of your grandparents yet with a truly contemporary twist. Both an inconspicuous storage system and a sculptural statement at the same time, Miss Lily is bound to be the object of much attention.


Miss Lilly Tambour Cabinet. Manufactured by Unico Design.

4. Pilot’s 1970’s lyrics “It’s magic, you know. Never believe it’s not so,” presage the beauty and utility of Yomei’s Magic Cube in ways the band probably never imagined. A free-standing storage system that functions as a multi-purpose bar/bookcase/entertainment center/whatever, Magic Cube is yet another promising design in this week’s wrap-up of ways to redeem space in unexpected ways at home.


Magic Cube. Designed by Andre Schelbach of Yomei.

5. design bu’s slightly cheeky, ultra-sleek dual-purpose toilet paper holder and magazine rack Read @ Roll acknowledges and elevates the art of reading in the bathroom, affording it a wholly new cachet. Composed of a singular piece of plastic, we’re already making calls to Turkey trying to figure out how to get one.


Read @ Roll. Designed by design bu.

6. And last but not least, Houzer’s Novus Series Sink is one of those kitchen appliance luxuries that should be commonplace in all homes (or at least in New York apartments!). Equipped with a sliding metal tray to acts doubly as a countertop surface, the Novus is a true winner.


Novus Series Sink. Manufactured by Houzer.

And it’s a wrap! Stayed tuned for more fresh and mind-expanding product design features next week. And keep BKLYN DESIGNS front and center on your radar – next Monday marks the 4th in our series of exclusive pre-show interviews leading up to this notoriously awesome event!

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