Johnny Swing’s Half Dollar Butterfly Chair

Johnny Swing

, the Vermont-based designer and repurposer of junk, has turned his attention to money-a topic that is extremely topical, given the fiscal state of the union. In a move that seems to question our reliance on money, Swing has created a series of furniture pieces made from welded coins. Real coins. This choice means he should be worried that some people might steal his ideas-and his material!

Half Dollar Butterfly Chair. Designed by Johnny Swing.

The third piece in his coin collection is the Half Dollar Butterfly Chair, made with 1,500 half dollars and 7,000 welds (in case you’re mathematically challenged, the material alone is worth $750). Swing’s chair comes at a good time: it’s a sort of reality check in this paranoid economy. “It’s only money,” the Half Dollar Butterfly Chair seems to be saying. Besides its philosophical appeal-one could even call it fiscal zen therapy-the coin chair returns us to thingness. Money, in this case in the form of shiny coins, has object beauty-why else would ravens steal quarters with which to line their nests?

Johnny Swing’s Half Dollar Butterfly Chair

Nickel Couch. Designed by Johnny Swing

But even while Swing acknowledges “the audacity of the materials,” he seeks to move beyond this initial shock, asking us to redirect our attention to the Half Dollar Butterfly Chair’s shape, “which welcomes even the most innocent to feel well-placed on this throne.” The kingly symbolism cannot be lost on anyone, for one must feel rich to eschew money in this fashion. Swing explains: “This sculptural piece delightfully reveals itself with an exposed substructure holding up the smooth skin of the inviting regal outer layer.” At 58 pounds, you better have a muscular servant to haul around this extravagant creation. The ideal candidate for the Half Dollar Butterfly Chair is Stephen Colbert, who might place it on his set, right in front of his fake fireplace, where he can pretend that he is willing to burn money-a far nobler practice than actually doing so (Wall Street, take note).

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