Bubbles Under the Sea

Bubbles Under the Sea

Inspired by a snorkeling adventure in the Maldives, Eskayel Founder/Creative Director and Artist Shanan Campanaro created a phantasmagoria of ocean flora and fauna, complete with bubbles!

Atoll wallcovering in ocean blue palette

Available as a 100%-silk wallcovering, Campanaro’s “Atoll” print features flighty fish and enterprising anemone, rakish rays and softly swaying seagrass.

Atoll print with underwater scene in light purple

Painted from memory, Atoll has a fluid, modulated, and dreamy look that nicely captures an undersea world as witnessed through a scuba lens. It also seems generally apropos of the silence and mystery of the ocean.

Reef silk wallcovering from Eskayel with greenish tint and partial view of bench
Eskayel offers Atoll in six different shades. Reef (above) captures the greenish/blue tint of water at shallower depths. Ocean (at top) features a deep blue backing evocative of fathoms deep. And the pinkish hue of coral would be right at home amid the sunny pastels of the Florida Keys.
Atoll in Coral with partial view of table  and shell on top
Ocean detail

Eskayel’s silk wallcoverings are backed with chemical-free paper and printed with water-based inks. They’re always created from original artwork in the U.S. Roll widths are 33″ x 15′. See Eskayel for more information.

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