Moso Bamboo on Higher Roch Tower

Moso Bamboo on Higher Roch Tower

Bamboo may not be the star of the Higher Roch Tower in Montepelier, France, but it definitely plays a strong supporting role.

View from outside of multiple floor of Higher Roch Tower with bamboo decking

The edifice is a 164-foot structure with an intoxicating wavy profile inspired by the ruffled flourish of a Flamenco dancer.

Higher Roch Tower in Montpelier, France

In order to fill up all the outdoor floor space of this serpintining builiding, the architects turned to Moso Bamboo N-durance Decking—accounting for no less than 43,000 square feet, each of which offers a vantage for spectacular city views.

View looking out of building with N-durance Decking in foreground

To make N-durance, Moso crushes and compresses bamboo strips into an ultra-durable product that not only offers excellent aesthetics but also superior resistance to rain and wind and weather of any variety.

Decking on multiple floors

Go to Moso to learn more.

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