Grid Back Chair by West Elm
The grid is where we’re drawing inspiration from at 3rings this week, so the Upholstered Grid Back Chair from West Elm naturally made the cut.

The Upholstered Grid Back Chair, which West Elm offers in a light Natural or a smart Black, is inspired by Japanese design.

We see Shoji-style sliding doors, those partition walls being another early pioneer of grid-loving design, embedded in this style.

Upholstered Grid Back Chair emphasizes comfort without sacrificing beauty. Grid Back’s frame is made of parawood. Rattan adds softness and organic texture.

Curved elements complement the right angles of the chair’s intersecting straight lines.

Most surprising is the chair’s open spacing in the back. It’s as if the grid lends its strength in support of the arms of the chair and to whomever might be sitting in its seat, but there is open freedom near the spinal column. Perhaps in this form following function Grid Back is teaching us a valuable lesson: that structures do in fact remain in place even when we let go.

Upholstered Grid Back Chair gives cozy, cushioned, and protective vibes, wonderful feelings when you’re taking a break and finding respite in a seat.

The higher-up arms and the deeper, nestled-in measurements all seem to contribute.
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