Campfire Table Lamp by Mooielight

Campfire Table Lamp by Mooielight

One of many whimsical table lamps produced by Mooielight, the Campfire Table Lamp features a tear-drop-shaped glass bulb in deep orange that houses a humming iridescent filament.

Campfire table lamp cutout

The effect is of an iconic flame—the very same you might see depicted on a hieroglyph or on a road sign alerting passers-by to nearby camping.

Table lamp with an orange bulb shaped like an inverted teardrop next to a small Greek bust

The Campfire Table Lamp is small and sturdy enough to fit into any setting. At a mere four pounds, it’s easy to relocate and re-contextualize, whether for a family “camping out” in a comfy tent on their patio during a hot summer night or a forest-themed child’s room.

Campfire table lamp on shelf with books

See Mooielight to find out more.

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