NYCxDesign 2024: Snake Party 2.0 by Merenda Wallpaper

NYCxDesign 2024: Snake Party 2.0 by Merenda Wallpaper

Snake Party 2.0 by Merenda Wallpaper won the hearts of visitors to NYCxDesign 2024, making the serpentine wallpaper a People’s Choice finalist in the NYCxDesign Awards. A vibrant reimagining of Snake Party—a hand-drawn phantasmagoria of serpents amidst bark and beast—Snake Party 2.0 adds metallic to the sinuous pattern.

Snake Party 2.0 in Midnight

Snake Party 2.0 is printed on a platinum metallic paper, thereby infusing the reptilian reverie with supreme shine. The new version gives its charming subject an appropriately scaly resplendence that’s simply scintillating!

Snake Party 2.0 in Morris

Available in a suite of atmospherically named colorways, Snake Party 2.0 feels fantastically different depending on the hue. Morris, for example, which features a dark navy background, belongs in dark drawing rooms and sultry artist studios.

Snake Party 2.0 in Farrow

Farrow, with its tantalizing teal, works wonders in dining rooms, as it looks like a confection. And icy blue Tranquil makes for a calming bath or bedroom.

Snake Party 2.0 in Tranquil

See Snake Party 2.0 up to Thursday, May 23, 2024 at the NYCxDesign Festival. If you can’t make it there in person, take a gander at 3rings Show Coverage.

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