ICFF 2024: Blank Spaces

ICFF 2024: Blank Spaces

For those of us who really love our bicycles, comes this clever piece that won raves last week at ICFF.

Shown empty
Handsome upright storage in wood veneer, Blank Spaces is most notable for its discrete slats on either end. Once you wheel in the ride, however, it transforms into the cleanest bike rack you’ve ever seen.
Blank Spaces detail
A collaboration between IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) student Massimo Piovano and Japanese lifestyle brand Muji, Blank Spaces shows the cycle in its best light, while costing very little space in the process.
Upright bicycle storage shown with designer

Blank Spaces was an entrant in ICFF/Wanted Design’s School’s Showcase last week. Muji will continue to exhibit this and other student projects through June 12 at Hudson Yards in Manhattan.

Blank Spaces main

See 3rings for another ingenious approach to bicycle storage.

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