NYCxDesign 2024: 4Spaces and ZigZagZurich

NYCxDesign 2024: 4Spaces and ZigZagZurich

Partners 4Spaces and ZigZagZurich received accolades from NYCxDesign for a pair of auspicious and aptly named creations: “Mischief” and “LSD Marathon.”

Mischief wallpaper on wall of exhibit
LSD Marathon rug in black

Appearing within the larger Mischief exhibit, Liz Collin’s textile wallpaper is a vivid floral print that re-imagines colorful blooms as prickly, inverted entities—abstract shapes that fudge expectations about what flowers are supposed to look like, yet convey their own brand of beauty.

Mischief detail showing ultra-colorful flower blooms in abstract style, pink background
Close view of Liz Collins' Mischief wallpaper design

The sense of disconnection here (the buds seem to float unhinged from the stems) fits right in with the exhibit’s larger context, which contains a sub-exhibit of sorts entitled Queer People, Places, and Things. True to Collin’s oeuvre, the upholstery and rugs displayed throughout the space help to create dialogue and interchange within—and hopefully outside of as well—this historically marginalized community.

Wall with wallpaper and art at Liz Collins' Mischief exhibit
wallpaper detail, green background

In addition to conjecturing about the experience of running 26.4 miles sans arms, LSD Marathon engages the phenomena of the communal athletic event. Says designer Jody Barton, “Far from being just a type of exercise, the mass sport event is a new and constantly evolving festival that encapsulates many of our society’s obsessions—it is a pageant, a festival, a party, a rite of passage… no less crazy than the old folk festivals or druids round the standing stones, it’s psychedelic!”

LSD rug in black and white

The arm-less, cartoonish figures Barton creates to evoke this experience are alternately happy and sad, confused and disassociated, yet also right at home. Evoking the Cubism of Picasso, the flattened forms convey the feeling of existing everywhere and nowhere, the purgatorial sense of being immersed in an all-consuming kind of pageantry that transcends time and place.

Wool rug with arm-less marathon runners in white
folded rug
You may read more about these award-winning designs and further explore the work of Collins and Barton at 4Spaces and ZigZagZurich.

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