Drop Swing by Tidelli

Drop Swing by Tidelli

Drop Swing by Tidelli turns outdoor furniture into a meditative opportunity. The sinuous curves and large cushion allow for true relaxation, ensconcing you in a personal nest.

Drop Swing

With more than 50 aluminum frame colors, Drop Swing has a signature palette for every style and landscape. Yellow works well in the Caribbean. Tidelli’s Rosa (pink) resembles the dark skin of dragonfruit, making it perfect for tropical locations. Should you live in Norway or other cold climates, Drop Swing’s range of whites and silvers feels appropriately snowy.

Drop Swing Rosa and dragonfruit

Drop Swing is a generous 74.75 inches in width and depth, making the swinging seat large enough to share—although you might want it all to yourself.

Drop Swing detail

Tidelli outdoor also designed Club Chaise.

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