What You Want Out of a Drinking Fountain
If you’ve never given much thought to outdoor water fountains, take heart: Urbidermis has done it for you.

The Barcelona-based firm is dedicated to decorating the outdoor environment. Though perhaps “decorate” is the wrong term, since core to their philosophy is seamless integration of outdoor elements. Just so, the Atlántida fountain (pictured above) features a stainless steel frame with a cast-iron finish: a monolithic profile, “evened on the pavement and dimensioned to be the same as the water collection basin.”

Counterpart Caudal is constructed of sheet stainless steel with a Corten-painted finish that’s built to withstand the elements. A 90 cm receptacle reduces splashing and increases accessibility, facilitating use for people in wheelchairs.

It’s also offered in a touch-less version, with a proximity actuator that starts the flow without any physical contact.

Perhaps most important, both Caudal and Atlántida are wise to the vernacular of their surroundings: “We offer access to public drinking water services using efficient urban fountains… an essential part of the public landscape.”

See Urbidermis to find out more.
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