Bianco Lasa Covelana Vena Oro

Bianco Lasa Covelana Vena Oro

It’s a mouthful to say but well worth the effort. Bianco Lasa Covelana Vena Oro (my attempt at a translation would be something along the lines of “Gold-Veined White Marble”) is premium marble from the Antolini quarry in Lasa, Italy.

Vena Oro marble on kitchen island, side view

Renowned for its intricate gold veining and excellent workability, Lasa Vena Oro is both beautiful and adaptable. It can be pared down into very thin slabs, making it ideal for show-stopping installations like this kitchen island.

kitchen island with sides and top in white marble with gold veins

It’s also exceptionally hard, rendering it right for a variety of uses, including interior cladding and, of course, floors.

Vea Oro marble on floor

The beautiful reflectivity seen above is owed to another of Vena Oro marble’s transcendent qualities: it can be polished to achieve a mirror-like finish.

Room with shelves and display items with Vena Oro marble on the walls

Bianco Lasa Covelano Vena Oro marble is processed with Antolini’s proprietary Azerocare Plus, deeding maximum protection from etching and staining.

Get additional information at Antolini.

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