Lama, Lama
Is a span of 17 years sufficient to qualify something as a classic?

Looking at the svelte yet sumptuous Lama lounge by Ludovica+Roberto Palomba for Zanotta, we’d argue yes.

Since it debuted in 2006, Lama has only become more relevant. Just look at the different ways it can be classified and you’ll gain some appreciation for its transcendence.

Beacuse Lama is arguably Contemporary, Modern, Retro, a sublime example of 80s Kitsch, even sharing a zeitgeist that spans back to Marcel Breuer and the days of a Brutalist, essentialist aesthetic that emerges organically from the structure.

Zanotta avers that Lama excels for its positional versatility, arguing that “the design looks for new comforts and postures through shapes surrounding the body, that are nearly beyond the bounds of organic.”

We couldn’t agree more, but perhaps a greater testament to Lama’s timelessness is the many scenarios in which its presence would be congenial: at a Zermatt ski lodge, astride a covert poker game peopled in bearded, cigar-smoking roughs, in the converted garage of a bohemian metallurgist, even front and center at a hipster’s loft in a hipster town. The other hipsters would doubtless appreciate its meta-fictionality.

Whatever the venue, Lama would seem to own the show: “A great domestic icon born to improve the most essential spaces. A small shelter where one can read a book, listen to music, big enough to be shared.” Get yours at Zanotta.
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