Inducements for Induction
The benefits of induction cooktops have gone beyond those expressed for years in Fisher & Paykel’s Induction line. Now, they’re being extolled by none other than the federal government.

Fisher & Paykel 24″ Induction Cooktop
That endorsement is taking the concrete form of rebates offered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, up to $840 in fact.

Uncle Sam hopes to encourage the transition form the more energy-intensive gas to the safety and efficiency offered by induction, which uses electromagnetism to transfer heat from the range’s inner workings directly to the pot or pan (cast iron works best). The cooktop itself remains at a neutral temp!

As the above images show, Fisher & Paykel’s range of induction ranges is many and varied. Sizes range (yes, I went there again) from 24″ to 30″ to 36″ to a 48″ professional hybrid range that offers induction and gas side by side.

What are induction’s primary benefits? Fisher & Paykel is glad you asked:
- Pinpoint temp. control to sear, temper, and sauté like a pro!
- Less energy expenditure, no source emissions
- Fast and efficient: witness water coming to boil in as little as two minutes
- Safe: cooktop stays cool
- Easy to clean: no faceted surface or removable grates

Visit Fisher & Paykel to find out more.
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