At NeoCon 2022: Avalon Lounge by KFI Studios
Designed by Union Design for KFI Studios, the modern, sculpted Avalon should be credited with a new coinage: the “work lounge.”

Positioning the user’s body at the very nexus between active engagement and relaxation, Avalon offers a best-of-both worlds scenario: “When paired with a pull up table you have the perfect environment to focus on laptop work or quietly brainstorm.”

To those who sense an inherent contradiction here, I’d invoke the “best idea in the shower” maxim, which stipulates that down-regulating of executive functions often results in up-regulating of creativity and insight. The upshot? the Avalon Lounge may perfectly position itself (and you) to cultivate inspired ideas.

Avalon is not only comfy and practical, it’s also formally inventive. The piece is comprised of simple forms that are easy to assemble and easy to transport: the seat, back, and frame nest together nicely for flat-pack shipping.

Avalon is offered in standard upholstery or a unique 3D knit in a variety of colors. The frame is jet black steel.

Avalon generated considerable buzz at NeoCon 2022—good press in advance of its official debut this fall. To find out how to specify yours, see KFI Studios.
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