Cora Side Chair
SitOnIt’s Cora side chair is versatile seating specifically designed for the rigors of healthcare and the challenges of infection control.

Developed in consultation with Certified Healthcare Interior Designers, Cora is engineered for maximum clean-ability, reliability, and durability—qualities that have become paramount not only in care-giving venues but also in education, workspaces, retail, and hospitality.

The chair features a wall-saver frame to minimize bumping and scuffing, looped arms for easy entry and exit, and clean-out spaces with field-replaceable components.

There’s also several sizes to choose from, including midsize and bariatric versions that support 600 and 750 lbs. respectively.

SitOnIt’s extensive range of fabric options complements Cora’s hygienic features and longevity: 15,000+ textiles plus bleach-cleanable, moisture barrier, ballistic nylon, and multi-upholstery options.

Cora meets the Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemicals Challenge. It’s also BIFMA LEVEL and GreenGuard Gold-certified. SitOnIt offers a lifetime warranty for the guest model and 10-year-warranty for the mid-size and bariatric models.

Read more at SitOnIt Seating. And go to Designer Pages Media for more versatile seating for healthcare.
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