Nucraft’s Epono Table Offers Elegance in the Office

Nucraft’s Epono Table is a contemporary take on the classic Parson’s Table: an homage to synchrony and pleasing proportions.

Nucraft's Epono Table Front view with white laminate top and natural wooden frame/legs

Designer Dani Arps takes the opportunity to present the iconic form in multiple iterations, with worktop options in linoleum, wood veneer, metal, concrete, and even felt. Epono also features an original and captivating detail: powder-coated metal accents on the sides of each leg nicely highlight the table’s silhouette.

Nucraft's Epono Table top detail with concrete top and black wood veneer frame and legs

Additional options include spring-loaded handbag hooks, integrated power, and modesty screens.

Nucraft's Epono Table detail of handbag hook beneath table

Epono’s different dimensions complement the aesthetic variety, with seated and standing heights available in sizes along the continuum from 72-240” long and 30-54” wide.

Nucraft's Epono Table long standing height with gray concrete top and natural wood legs and frame

Choice is paramount to compelling workplace design and functionality, and Epono offers it in spades: “Hardworking, clean and elegant, Epono is about polished simplicity.”

Nucraft's Epono Table standing height red felt top with wood veneer legs and frame

See Nucraft to find out more.

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