MetsäWood’s Sustainable Model
MetsäWood sources premium quality, 100% traceable wood for residential and commercial construction.
The company's sustainable model chiefly involves locating processing facilities near vast Northern forests: "Our facilities are surrounded by these forests, which ensures a never-ending reliable supply."
The company offers an extensive variety. Premium products include Kerto LVL, a laminated veneer lumber with pronounced strength and dimensional stability-rendering it appropriate for construction applications like beams, joists, trusses, and frames; and Birch Plywood-a proprietary product of cross-bonded 1.4 mm thick birch veneers that's ideal for formwork, industrial flooring, and decking.
In addition to sourcing their wood from sustainably managed forests, MetsäWood spearheads the Open Source Wood Initiative, a public forum to unite wood builders in an effort to share knowledge, augment the prevalence of wood construction, and enhance the energy-saving potential of modular wood construction techniques: "By developing prefabricated elements, we can build faster, more affordably, more efficiently and more openly... that's why we launched the Open Source Wood Initiative."
See MetsäWood to find out more.
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