Yestudio’s a chairs

Yestudio’s a chairs

A clever nesting piece that's bright enough to chase away a cloudy day, a chairs is a multi-functional concept guaranteed to stimulate interaction and creative application.


A'Design award winner in the category of Furniture, Decorative Items, a chairs is indeed an arresting adornment.


In addition to aesthetic appeal, however, a chairs is highly functional. Easy to move and even easier to stow, it converts from a single chair into four, each just right for a given user dimension.


Taiwan-based designer Yestudio summarizes: "With different users' feeling and acting, it creates multiple possibilities for interaction. At the same time, it presents a diverse, flexible, interesting, and artistic character."



a chairs features a simple painted metal design. Each of the four different components offers multiple uses: chair, ottoman, side table, bench, box, or tube. For further information, see Yestudio.

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