Better together: Clara tables by izzy
by izzy come in unconventional shapes that make perfect sense for a collaborative, educational environment.
Power in numbers
These clever designs make sense along, but truly come to life when ganged with one, two or three others to create a tabletop space that works for a number of applications. The sturdy tables are made of high pressure laminate worksufraces, extruded aluminum legs and solid urethane edges.
About the Manufacturer: While they concede it's important, manufacturer Izzy+'s driving motivation isn't making furniture, but rather recognizing people: "grownups and toddlers, bosses and phone answerers, dog-lovers and cat people, coffee-drinkers and water-guzzlers-they're all important for different reasons, and they're all unique." The company's larger point is that effective interior solutions depend upon knowledge of how we live, how habitual users move through a particular space. This perennial outfitter of offices, schools, hospitals, cafes, and dining rooms doesn't miss a beat when it comes to creating functional furnishings for the ways we live, work, and play: "Our products are designed to support New Work styles-people who are more collaborative, technology-savvy, and on-the-move than ever before."
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