Axiom EcoPower Faucet by TOTOUSA

A participant in frequent games of tetris leads a person to see the geometric puzzle pieces in just about any space or product design. Whether that’s a blessing or a curse, I’m not sure, but the polished chrome and right angles of the Axiom EcoPower faucet by TOTOUSA are a welcome addition to the world of bathroom fittings for their unique appearance as well as their stealthy contribution to water conservation.

Axiom EcoPower faucet. Manufactured by TOTOUSA.

Strength in Water Conservation and Geometric Style with the Axiom EcoPower Faucet

Using contemporary styling in its appearance, TOTOUSA’s attractive and somewhat unorthodox faucet is meant for either residential or commercial applications. With 1.0 GPM and 10-second continuous discharge, the significant water savings of the Axiom EcoPower are poised to revolutionize the intelligence of water usage one hand washing or teeth-brushing at a time.

Axiom EcoPower faucet. Manufactured by TOTOUSA.

Some of the beauty in the ADA compliant EcoPower faucet designs across the board is the Smart Sensor. By setting its own range with no need for adjustment, making every drop of water count, the self-regulating faucet uses less supply lines with its control box and mounting hardware. Additionally, it has a self-generating hydropower system that sets apart the EcoPower collection as a whole with its single, 1/2″ male threaded water supply.

Axiom EcoPower faucet. Manufactured by TOTOUSA.

For the cleanest looking stylish bathroom, a geometric bathroom faucet design like the Axiom EcoPower faucet by TOTOUSA is the smartest way to rev up your eco-friendly push for a better world.

About the Manufacturer: TOTO is one of the world’s largest plumbing products manufacturer. Based in Japan originally, it is usually remembered in the US for its name that reveres one of our all-time favorite dogs from the Wizard of Oz. But beyond this, the US derivative of the 90-year old company – known as TOTOUSA – offers the same commercial and decorative plumbing quality fixtures and fittings, faucets, accessories, shower and flush valves, as well as lavatories, toilets, Air Baths and urinals.

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