The San Francisco Casegoods Collection by Kwalu
Just like the colors of a freshly roasted chestnut, the two-tone San Francisco Casegoods Collection is a brand new release for the healthcare and senior living designs represented by North American contract furniture manufacturer, Kwalu.
San Francisco bedside table. Manufactured by Kwalu.
They state of the modern wood facade: “Like the city on the hill by the bay, Kwalu’s San Francisco Casegoods Collection brings old world charm to sleek modern design.” In an effort to bridge the divide between gorgeous interiors and healthcare or senior living, the collection is easy enough on the eyes to appease design enthusiasts of all ages. Featuring chamfered side frames and a fabulous front overlay design with oversized pulls, the San Francisco pieces “offer dimensional appeal while allowing for easy cleaning”.
San Francisco wardrobe. Manufactured by Kwalu.
The San Francisco Casegoods Collection comes in a bedside table with a drawer and door, a three-unit chest, and two versions of wardrobes – one with two drawers and the other with three. With the industry’s sole 10-year performance-based warranty on both construction and finish, it’s the perfect combination of gorgeous design and heavy duty, high quality materials throughout the entire collection.
San Francisco chest. Manufactured by Kwalu.
Find your way to the bay area through the San Francisco Casegoods Collection design of a bedside table, chest and wardrobe that will store your patient’s essentials in true Kwalu style.
About the Manufacturer: Kwalu is a 25 year old, North American manufacturer of all things healthcare, senior living and government interior furnishings. Their commitment is to the development of high quality, dependable pieces of wood and uphosltered furniture with metal accents and attention to the details that come with the contract market, as well as a focus on customer service and customizable designs.
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