The Clean Design of the Profilo Smart Modular Track System

When you build a house here in Africa you have to be careful to not hang heavy drapery or metal rods of much weight above your open windows. It’s an art form that has yet to be perfected by many modern homes, and one that would definitely benefit from a modular track system like the Profilo Smart that provides support for furniture and room accessories that may need a stable cantilever-style support system backing it up.

Profilo Smart Modular Track System. Manufactured by Profilo Smart.

Hang Furniture and Room Accessories Along the Profilo Smart Modular Track System For Easy and Modern Interiors.

The Profilo Smart allows for creative spaces with hanging, or suspended furniture and accessories to find their place in a streamlined design that lies horizontally against the wall and fits into everything from bathrooms to bedrooms. Move the pieces as needed to fit you aesthetic preferences, and take advantage of the many uses that a virtually invisible border against your wall can offer.

Profilo Smart Modular Track System. Manufactured by Profilo Smart.

Incorporating this Profilo Smart modular track system into your interior design brings out the flexibility and finishing touches of a contemporary look. It comes enriched by a cover that hides the attachment mechanism which allows for differing shapes, colors, sizes of the pieces and materials used to be supported by the beauty of the Profilo Smart possibilities.

Profilo Smart Modular Track System. Manufactured by Profilo Smart.

If all architectural projects gave us the option of hanging our floating beds, desks and nightstands using the modular track system of Profilo Smart, spaces around the world could find a way to do more than continue re-hanging single curtain rods on a weekly basis.

About the Manufacturer: Naming both the modular track system and the company itself, Profilo Smart is an Italian manufacturer that came up with a way to make it easier to live modern. With their innovative design of a horizontal track that lines a room, the design is derived from a concept by a division of the Lukas Design of K Design company based in Milan, Italy.

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