The Recycled Lamps using Fallen Trees by Meghan Finkel

Having grown up with my backyard as the Mississippi River, we had all sorts of fun things wash up onto shore behind my home. Sometimes it was a massive snapping turtle or a matter for the police, but most times the interesting treasures that arrived were natural ones that we could get creative with. That’s why I gravitated to the fallen tree lamps by Meghan Finkel, whose idea of a great lighting uses the natural beauty of a tree branch.

Fallen Tree Lamps. Designed by Meghan Finkel.

Unorthodox Bases Formed from Fallen Branches Make the Lamps by Meghan Finkel Works of Natural Art.

It seems as though half the battle of the lighted artwork of Meghan Finkel’s Fallen tree branch lamps would be finding branches that are strong tripods. Forming the base using just the right spacing between the legs would involve correct weight distribution – and beyond this, it has to look great underneath the lamp shade. Arguably, the never perfectly symmetrical base is part of the magic of her floor and wall lamp creations.

Fallen Tree Lamps. Designed by Meghan Finkel.

Finkel searches for the branches after storms along the rivers and beaches. Once found, Finkel strips the wood with a draw blade to get them ready for priming. A few layers of primer follow, and after that, a high gloss lacquer is applied in powder colors to create a truly stunning base. From there (as seen below) the branches are hung to dry before finding their way into the showrooms and eventual homes where their lives continue on in a brand new, sustainably-sourced, form.

Fallen Tree Lamps. Designed by Meghan Finkel.

The wispy look and feel of tree branches form the lamp base of Meghan Finkel’s creations that are take recycling and sustainability to new heights with the beauty of nature.

About the Designer: Meghan Finkel began creating lamps out of fallen trees in 2004. Since then, her work has been seen at Brooklyn art shows and flea markets as well as on display in the showroom of the popular creative agency in New York City that goes by the name, the Rivington Design House.

Via inhabitat.

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