Case Solar Power Glass- An Aesthetically and Environmentally Energetic Façade

Glass is one of those architectural elements that can make a building look great, but wreaks havoc on energy efficiency. Dubai is a great example of a myriad of glass skyscrapers in an inappropriate landscape (the desert); the last place you want a massive glass surface area baking away in the ceaseless sun. The alternate windowless structure is just as daunting, no worker or homeowner is going to appreciate a few measly windows for the sake of sustainability. The solution is to make the glass work for a living by either eliminating heat transfer, or actually storing the energy.

The Dynamic Solar Façade. Designed by Case.

The Center for Architecture Science and Ecology,CASE, is developing a glass curtain of solar concentrators that permit light to flow into a building while generating electricity and even heating water. Dubbed The Dynamic Solar Façade, the pyramid-like structures are “configured in a honeycomb pattern and hung on wires that move up and down, or twist side to side, to track the sun. The concentrators also bring light into the building while deflecting heat and glare, reducing the need for artificial light during the day.” – Green Inc. The system is 60-80% efficient in its use of the sun’s light and heat, which could pay for itself in two and a half years in sunny climates.





The Dynamic Solar Façade is not just a feat of technology. It is also aesthetically mesmerizing. Given the option between a sea of solar panels and these delicate glass crystals, the marketing choice becomes clear. When energy saving technology can become an attractive part of the design, the challenge of selling the concept to the client becomes a lot easier. Instead of infringing upon the window systems, CASE is dressing them up with green décor.

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