CARLO’s Damar Cabinet at Nusa furniture

I can’t decide if the Damar Cabinet by CARLO for Nusa Furniture reminds me more of a great, big birthday present as dreamed up by a slightly demented giver, or someone’s idea of a new form of whimsical imprisonment—perhaps that of Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll. Either way, the piece is four kinds of inspired—and that’s just the outside. Damar comes in two versions: white wood bark with “ribbons” of brass terrazzo, and black “Penshells” (a substance re-claimed from the beachy detritus of this species of giant clam) with volcanic terrazzo.

Damar Cabinet. Designed by CARLO.

Just to look at it from the outside, the cabinet appears to be nothing but an intricately wrought giant cube, very in keeping with its inspiration (“an elegantly gift-wrapped jewelry box”), but it in fact opens to reveal a gleaming bank of crystal clear glass shelves. The concealment isn’t just misdirection for the sake of artistic license, it’s all part of the fun—the hidden elements are quite intentional, with the “concealed doors, invisible seams, and finger pulls” heightening the sense of mystery. And lest you think the illusion of an inscrutable box might easily be dispelled with a quick gander at the back end, Damar is finished on all six sides, keeping you guessing as to which way is up.


If Damar reminds you of some exotic isle or jungle, that’s probably due to the Indonesian roots of its namesake: Damar resin is a sticky secretion that graces the trunks of trees in the East Indies. Like amber, damar captures all sorts of souvenirs from the natural world (especially bits of dirt and insects) as it hardens. It thus arrives stateside in a rough, crystalline form, before it’s refined and purified to create an exceptionally durable, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly top coat, which the FDA says is “approved for coating fruit and vegetable crates.” And this usage is certainly laudable, but I prefer the A & D application profiled herein. The innovative sealant provides the perfect crowning adornment for this beautiful jewel box.

Via Interior Design.

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