Zoon’s Blind LED Light

Finding your way through dark hallways and staircases can be troublesome. Beyond the standard fumbling, tripping and navigating, you’re often plagued by concern for your safety and well-being. Watch a few movies and you’ll find (at least in Hollywood) that assault often occurs in these unlit spaces. To help and to hold; Zoran Sunjic’s blind LED light will visually and physically guide you through dark hallways and staircases.

Blind LED. Designer by Zoon.

It is a handrail and lighting system combined with the visual appeal of a glowstick. Blind LED light, possible in any number of colors (most of which would be neon it seems…), can twist and turn with the space, lighting the way and giving you something to hold onto. “Even if it is a dimly lit apartment stairway, this LED light would help you to hold and walk without ever having to watch your step.” The neon-glowstick aesthetic is reminiscent of artist Roger Borg’s Modern Neon Lamps: a series of lamps that become the light source rather than attempting to hide it. Bright, bold and playful: the ‘90s glowstick returns yet again.

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According to the designer, Blind LED lights have environmental benefits as well: “the idea also appeals to those who are interested in saving energy as LED consumes less energy and is more environmentally friendly than fluorescent bulbs. These blind LED lights would also negate the requirement for bright lights in places that are not used often…” The Croatian designer’s studio is named ZOON, meaning ‘whole living universe’ in ancient Greek.

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