Live at NeoCon: Uno e Zero

Everyone must see the Uno e Zero office furniture collection at NeoCon, manufactured by Della Rovere of Italy. The display is somewhat hidden at the back of the eight floor, but once you catch sight of this furniture collection, you cannot help but rush over for a close up.

I have to say it – this is true eye-candy, having been designed by rock star product designer, Karim Rashid. This office collection was released at the Milan Office Furniture Tradeshow in April with Karim himself as a guest of honor. I’ve had the privilege of bumping into him (literally) at ICFF in New York City. He doesn’t remember it, but I do and that’s what counts.

Live at NeoCon: Uno e Zero

I happened to stumble upon a telling interview published on the manufacturer’s website, which I’d like to share with everyone.

To Karim: How does Uno e Zero improve the productivity of the person who uses it?

"An object that inspires, increases productivity. It demonstrates that the world has no boundaries and that everything can be done. The desk inspires those who sit behind it to look to the possibilities, rather than to limits”.

To Karim: How does Uno e Zero improve a teamwork and the way in which the individual relates to the people he/she works with?

"This soft, friendly, human and receptive object allows the user to sit at any side of the desk. It is comfortable for everyone. There is no traditional "my side” or "your side” to the desk.”

To Karim: What do the people who use Uno e Zero communicate about themselves to the market they work in?

"A person who uses the desk communicates the willingness to evoke change, to think outside of the "norm”. This means starting from the common shapes used today, to move the attention from crude industrialisation towards softer more human shapes”.

To Karim: What does the person who uses Uno e Zero communicate to his or her employees?

"That he/she is the perfect contemporary man/woman, receptive and always open to an exchange of ideas, with great social spirit, enormous organisational skills and always attentive to the practical aspect of his/her work”.

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