Basalte’s Sentido Switches Will Turn You On

Manufacturer Basalte has chosen its company name wisely. French for “basalt,” the fine-grained, igneous, blackish-grey rock, the substance’s dual nature gets right to the heart of the firm’s philosophy: “It is a very basic and natural material. This refers to our search for simplicity in the way we design our products. It is a high quality material. This refers to the quality we want to achieve with our products.” Though I suspect the copy is rather more elegant in the original French, the point is well taken—and flawlessly exemplified in the Sentido collection of light switches.

Sentido. Designed by Basalte.

Taking the intelligent innovations of Keep It Cartesian and Lutron one step further (actually, combining the best of both), Basalte’s contemporary aesthetic and intuitive functionality establishes Sentido in a league all its own: never before has turning on the lights been such a pleasant tactile experience. It all begins with the brushed aluminum. Available in matte or satin white, grey, or black, the choice of material imparts a classic appeal (if your idea of classic—like mine—is the epitome of modern). The look is certainly an antidote to the typically blasé switch plate, and it’s surely more versatile than same, the material being a worthy counterpoint or complement to kitchen appliances, bathroom fixtures, and drawer pulls and knobs. But that’s just page one. Page two is the dual or quadruple grid that graces the switchplate’s business side. Page three is Baslte’s “multitouch” technology: touch one quadrant to turn lights on or off; touch another to activate the dimmer; touch a third and the curtains across the room draw open or shut; touch a fourth and a loaf of fresh-baked bread materializes in the palm of your hand.



Okay, so the last bit is fiction, but you get the idea. Performing beyond the pedestrian act of mere illumination, Sentido can be programmed to interface with other automated systems in your home. It also features a “comfort” function: touch any two quadrants at once, and the switch synchronizes all lighting within a single room; thus, a simple swipe puts you at maximum illumination or total darkness. And last but certainly not least, Sentido features smart LED technology that alerts you to its current setting: white for single function, orange for multi-touch, and a nite-lite blue for dormant mode. Imparting all of these seamless functions to an eminently attractive switchplate is the proof in the pudding for the Eames’ quote on Basalte’s website: “Who ever said that pleasure wasn’t functional?!”

Via Trendir

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