Architex Gets Back with Some Like it Mod
We’re more than 50 years past its heyday, but the spirit of Mod survives in the hip new textile collection from Architex, Some Like it Mod.

More than the trappings of cutting-edge music, stylish clothes and hairstyles, and cool gadgets, “Mod” describes an attitude—part counter-culture, part cool affectation, and wholly into the new and unexpected.

The Mod collection aligns with the spirit of music that’s central to the ethos. Thus, we have “Cavern Club,” “Good Day Sunshine,” “Space Oddity,” and “Lucy in the Sky.”

Given the names, there’s no missing the decided slant towards “Swinging London.” Like its civic namesake, Some Like it Mod’s aura is big and bold, vivacious and hip, and just a tad dangerous. The color palette is vivid as the patterns tend toward psychedelia, while yet showing a spirited playfulness: shapes reminiscent of moons and stars, asynchronous blocks and clockwork gears.

This is a fun and exciting collection, certain to add splash and panache—“perfect for mini-skirts and sunglasses alike.”

See Architex to find out more. And go to Designer Pages Media for further fab fabrics from Architex.
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