Duravit / Nov 19, 2009

Todd Schliemann

Towering subtly above The High Line elevated parkway on the West Side is one of New York City’s newest and most fabulous hotels, The Standard. As our featured speaker of the night Todd Schliemann, Ennead Designer Partner and architect of The Standard, New York, will present an overview of the hotel.

Event Speakers

Todd Schliemann


About Todd Schliemann

Todd Schliemann is a founding partner and Design Principal at Ennead Architects. His buildings have received international recognition and awards including National AIA Honor Awards, New York State and New York City AIA Awards and American Architecture Awards from the Chicago Athenaeum. Schliemann’s work aims to expand the vocabulary of contemporary architecture and expose architecture’s expressive power by closely analyzing the unique context of each project. His projects include: The Standard (New York), Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History, University of Michigan Biomedical Science Research Building, Weill Cornell Medical College Weill Greenberg Center, New York Hall of Science, Allegheny College Vukovich Center for Communication Arts, The Mercersburg Academy Burgin Center for the Arts and Riverhouse.