Pure Sunlight by Igland Design
Pure Sunlight coffee table allows light or views to be “stolen” and drawn into a space via the technology used in a heliostat. Using a pivoting mirror with handles, the interior surface of the table can be rotated to capture your reflection of choice, which could be a nice tree, the sky, or an active nearby window. Designed by Igland Design, Pure Sunlight offers a sustainable coffee table solution by increasing light levels without electricity in addition to the potential nature view.
Pure Sunlight. Designed by Igland Design.
Bring the Sunlight In
When placed by a window or door, the table would reflect sunlight to the ceiling or walls of the room much the way a light shelf works. Check out the post on Brightshelf to understand more about the benefits a light shelf can have on a space. Pure Sunlight is manually adjustable to reduce the need for electricity further, in addition to adding an element of fun to the table.
“The table is the first in a range of objects where the contemplative act of using the object, at the same time saves energy and brings awareness to how and what kind of energy we use. No advanced technology, no batteries -just pure sunlight.”
About the Manufacturer: Igland design is a Scandinavian company that combines traditional Scandinavian wood with high-tech materials which results in visually striking pieces. Igland Design debuted at 100% Design London 2004, and since then they have been featured in books, magazines, and online most notably for the Mealbox and Pingolongo tables and Alet Chair. Their designs have a sense of purpose and function to back up their aesthetically pleasing style.
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