Ribbons Unfurled

Ribbons Unfurled

Cascading curls of color drape the walls lucky enough to be in the same room as Milton & King’s Mural Wallpapers.

Kija Birrar mural detail

This is a fairly extensive collection with abstract designs as well as florals, pastoral scenes, and much animalia; however, this being Ribbon week, we’re focused on the expressionistic scenes that have a vertical orientation—just like ribbons unfurling in the wind, or the water.

Birrar wallpaper in bedroom

For those with a Pointillist predilection, the Birrar mural above is a desert-scape made of miniscule dots. Birrar means “desert” in the Kija Australian Aboriginal language, and this design pays homage to “the overriding sense of stability and perseverance that this unique terrain brings.”

Werrgalji (“greenery”) to the contrary, references the rainforest.

Werrgalji wallpaper with greens and browns in bedroom

Teeming with a sense of verdant life, this design evokes the balance of ecosystems and the sophisticated life forms that inhabit them.

Wallpaper evoking rainforest by Kija Bardi artist

Lastly, we dive deep into the depths with Garra-Goon (“ocean”). Featuring a juxtaposition of aqua blues and earthier tones, Garra-Goon references the relationship we two-legged land dwellers have with the ocean: “the jagged lines and sudden color changes allude to the indescribable feeling when one reconnects with the ocean – so refreshing that it almost takes your breath away.”

Garra-Goon detail

Consider our collective breaths taken.

Garra-Goon wallpaper behind bench

Birrar, Werrgalji, and Garra-Goon are designed by Kija Bardi artist Kamilya Lowana-White. Explore more from Milton & King’s mural collection here.

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