Maison&Objet 2025: Tree of Life

Maison&Objet 2025: Tree of Life

What mysteries are to be found within the interior of a tree?

Tree of Life Extase in airy room

Attendees at last week’s Maison&Objet were sure to have realized that forests live and breathe just as we do, but that the stasis of their constituent parts provokes a different kind of contemplation.

Multiple Tree of LIfe sculptures with man

Presence Art & Design evokes something of this species-level solitude with the Trees of Life, “Offering a mutual embrace… a harmony of forms in the heart of the trunk of a majestic cedar tree that has died on its feet.”

Douceur Tree of LIfe sculpture next to stairway

The Trees of Life are wooden sculptures that double as places of repose—cocoon-like sanctuaries whose contours provide an innately ergonomic surface.

Detail of sculpture surface

All sculptures are bio-sourced: French Cedars that have fallen in storms or reached end of life: what a tale therein to be told!

Tree of LIfe raw cedar
product with worker
Tree of Life Evolution

Some closing words from Philippe Bray of Presence: “Engulfed in the heart of the Tree, I become again the amazed child, I am re-enchanted by the energy of the Tree. The palpable meets the impalpable… The art of form meets that which has no form…”

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