Maison&Objet 2025: Boon_Editions N°2
Is “minimal” empty at its core? Stefano Giacomello, the Swiss-Italian designer and digital artist who goes by stefo-rotolo, thinks this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Minimalism, he believes, includes a bold and playful spirit. Something opens up in simplicity, a world waiting with its arms wide open. Minimalism is the door to walk through to get to the creativity inside.

This is the basis of his collaboration with Boon_Editions, N°2 La Collection Rotolo. With this collection there are a number of furniture pieces, from bookshelves, tables, commodes, and seats, that find their way into the joyful middle of what minimalism can be.

La Poltrona is an indoor armchair that is part of this collection. This seat is made of wood and steel. The three-dimensional foam is hand shaped. The shape reminds me of a molar, the large flat teeth at the back of your mouth.

La Poltrona XL is the couch variation of the tooth-like armchair.

La Sedia is equally skeletal in nature. This indoor chair reminds me of a single vertebrae in a spinal column.

The calcium color of these furniture pieces must ossify the bone connection, but similarly our bodies require structure and support, and something really works here in the way I believe these seats and couches will really be able to “hold you up” once you are ready to sit down—the furniture equivalent to good bones.
You can find Boon_Editions at Maison et Objet in Hall 7—Stand CURATIO—D55.
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