Kabin: Find Your Kalm
We kick off our week-long celebration of neurodiversity by inviting you to step into extraordinary kuiet and kocoon-like kofmort with Kabin, a workspace pod designed with humans in mind.

The office pod’s innovative approach begins with a good dose of common sense: rather than three or four tall panes of glass, Kabin is constructed like a cabin—with privacy at the forefront.

While some pods make users feel like fish on display in an aquarium, Kabin provides protection on three sides, “prioritizing privacy with only the front covered with glass or open to maintain a visual connection with the surrounding environment.”

This balance between inside and out is its distinguishing feature. And additional creature comforts like high-quality materials with pacifying colors, adjustable lighting/temperature, and engineered acoustical walls make Kabin a veritable sanctuary from the occasional chaos of the office.

Nor is Kabin a mere indulgence. The sheltering effect helps combat over-stimulation, which makes the pods ideal for neurodiverse people who may rely on respite from chaotic environments.

The size and type depend on user need. The company offers three models: Kubby, a door-less design that’s a comfy retreat for one; Kabin 1, “expertly crafted for meaningful work, deep focus and increased productivity”; and Kabin 2, a more spacious version that accommodates two.

Go here to find out more.
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