Daumiller Armchair by GUBI

Daumiller Armchair by GUBI

Global design house GUBI presents a new variation of the classic Daumiller Armchair. This latest design now comes in a dark-stained pine.

Daumiller Arnchair

This sculptural chair is a reintroduction of the classic 1970s Danish design by Rainer Daumiller inspired by the traditional Danish milking stool as well as the China Chair by Hans J. Wegner.

Daumiller Armchair

When dreaming up the original, Daumiller wanted a sturdy everyday chair. He wanted something that might “withstand the rigors of children’s play as well as use at the grown-ups’ dining table.” (Can’t you see Daumiller holding up opposite ends of a sheet fort perhaps populated by pensive children underneath?)

Darker Daumiller Armchairs in situ

With the addition of a brown/black finish, the chair’s familiar form is transformed “from grounded to graphic.” Even with the update, the whorls and knots of the wood shine through offering character and charm. The natural texture of the wood grain stays visible through the lacquer.

Daumiller Armchair detail

“The addition of a brown/black finish creates an urbane aesthetic, without losing the honest materiality of the original.” The darker version emanates clean lines and a more profound boldness.

The sheen and beauty of the original 1977 golden pine armchair seems to embody “daylight,” while the newer, darker-stained pine appears to be its “nighttime” counterpart. Each chair anchors its end of the spectrum. The softwood pine is carved to match the shape of the body. The design is simple and functional.

Every connection point is exposed. Each contour is hand finished.

Designer Rainer Daumiller

Daumiller had a lifelong connection with nature. He was also gifted with an ability to “listen to materials,” meaning his designs were inspired by inherent characteristics. He didn’t force his artistic vision; he collaborated.

Daumiller Armchair

So in the end, Daumiller Armchair becomes a beautiful blend, “a perfect balance between clarity of expression and the warmth of wood.”

Enso Chair by Migeul Corro is an equally expressive dark wooden chair.

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