Red Hot: Hyobodo Fuoco by Ponti Design Studio

Red Hot: Hyobodo Fuoco by Ponti Design Studio

East meets West in this red hot side table by Hong Kong-based Ponti Design Studio. Hyobodo Fuoco combines traditional Japanese craftmanship with Italian design.

Hyobodo Fuoco Table

Manufactured by Hyobodo in Kyoto, Japan, Hyobodo Fuoco (meaning fire in Italian) features rounded corners and precision-cut edges, thanks to CNC machining.

Hyobodo Fuoco Table top view

Its bright red color pays tribute to Japanese lacquer, while its clean lines recall modern Italian furniture. Ponti states the stool connotes “hearth and warmth.”

Hyobodo Fuoco Table detail

Its minimalist shape and compact volume means Hyobodo Fuoco fits perfectly in almost all spaces.

Hyobodo Fuoco Table detail

For another glossy lacquer piece, check out Urushi Tub by Furo.

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