Fiery Textiles by Louise Sandstroem

Fiery Textiles by Louise Sandstroem

Get cracklin’ with the Fiery textile collection from Louise Sandstroem, an industrial designer based in Uppsala, Sweden.

six small images of glowing embers, smoking fire, buning wood, burning matches

An abstract and innovative interpretation of the phenomena of fire, Fiery textiles convey the essence of a deep burn. From glowing embers to leaping flames in orange, black, and blue, these fabrics duplicate fire in all its protean permutations.

detail of fiery textile: black with thin orange stripes
textile detail: reds and oranges with blue stitching woven in
Fiery textile with solid orange stripe, yellow/orange stripe, and thin blue stripe

See Louise Sandstroem’s profile at Behance to know more.

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