Loft Lamp by Voidfill Studio

Loft Lamp by Voidfill Studio

Loft Lamps are colorful table lamps by Voidfill Studio crafted of digitally fabricated PLA. The work of doctor-turned-designer Sebastian Bidegain, Loft Lamps come in rainbow colors, a perfect symbol for Bidegain as an LGBTQ+ designer. You can’t help but have a happy Pride Month in the presence of these joyous little lamps.

Loft Lamps

Loft Lamps feature multiple geometric shapes, including Arch, Square, Diamond, and Kite. They come in bright hues, but they really shine in primary colors, taking on a Bauhaus-inspired simplicity.

Loft Lamps

We don’t know exactly how they got their name: it could be their shapes are perfect for lofts or that their material is lofty in and of itself. After all, polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA) is a polyester made from renewable biomass, typically from fermented plant starch like corn, cassava, sugarcane, or sugar beet pulp.

Loft Lamps

Bidegain did not abandon his medical interests after becoming a designer, as much of his work incorporates biological and molecular motifs.

Loft Lamps

If you like Voidfill Studio, take a look at Amiga Lamp as well.

Loft Lamps

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